Friday, July 31, 2009

I have a sneaking suspicion....

I haven’t checked yet but.... I feel like I may be pregnant!
Think pink thoughts for me!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Going To The Cottage

GONE FISHING! Be back on Monday!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New MoneyRake Commercial

Check out the new money rake commercial! Could be just the thing you are looking for!

(if that doesn't work try this link:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So we had a “little” talk....

So I spoke to my husband about growing our family of 3 to a family of 4....
You will never guess what he said... (rough quote) “...I’m very proud of the work you have done with the and the ... things are going much better for us and I’m so confidant that together we can be successful. I would be happy to try for another baby if that is what you want.”

SOOOOO as of now I am no longer on birth control and we are going to try for another baby! WISH ME LUCK

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Baby is Getting BIG

I can’t believe my little cookie monster is growing up! I really can’t.... Here is another pic of the babe my sister in law took over the weekend. Wish I could get him back to 20 inches in my arms... sleeping like an angel!
I am missing having that intimate time where its just him and I (I dread saying) breast feeding and bonding....
I would love to have another a baby! A little girl to complete the family.... My husband may not be so keen! I’m thinking a romantic dinner and “talk” MAY be in order

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kind Of Interesting...

One of the many contacts I have met has an interesting offer.... Youtube commercials. I’m thinking of checking it out. Take a look at this commercial. From what I can tell right now they are offering $40 to have a 30 second commercial done. That is a deal I can’t beat! I think it is a limited time but I’m going to look into it more! They actually did the commercial for Easy Money that I posted yesterday!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

They Say Corkboard Cash is EASY MONEY

Take a look at this video commercial:

(if that doesn't work try this link:

Friday, July 10, 2009



I'm going to find some great contacts and make some great sales in both the cards and the chocolate!

Corkboard Cash has changed the way my work from home process runs! I'm going to recommend ANY work from home mom considers this product!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Waiting

Seems like this work from home blog breeds more waiting than anything else I've ever done (besides being pregnant that wait was excruciatingly long!)

BUT non the less I have all my flyers up now and I just have to wait and see if I get any calls or emails!

So far I would recommend this product to anyone who has a webpage or product or service! It's perfect for advertising and everything is already layed out for you!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Printed About 100 Flyers from Corkboard Cash

So this is an even better idea than I thought! I have printed off about 100 flyers that have my card info on them!

Now all I have to do is drive to 100 stores and ask if I can place my flyer!

Can't wait to see if this works!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Testimonials for Corkboard Cash

On the Forum I found some Testimonials for Corkboard Cash the feedback seems very positive... I'm downloading the package RIGHT now as the payment just went through I'll let you know how it goes!

Originally Posted by Star Riley View Post

How do you refund a $10 deal this is amazing you could have wrote this on a freaking napkin and I would gladley have paid you $97 for it ;-)

Just having another promising and new method to add to my arsenal is well worth the price of admission. I was cracking up when I read the title of this WSO not even sure how a cork board could help my business continue to grow and contribute to my weapons of mass money making.

Another heartfelt sincere thanks from one Warrior to another.

Thanks a million man, thanks a million!

Originally Posted by Robert Oliver View Post
Hell, this is a great simple underpriced wso.

I have used this before with great success.

I bought for the templates which are worth

8-10x's the price of this wso in time saved.

Good job. Just shows how keeping it simple can

make you a lot of money. Off to the grocery store.

I agree with you Star Riley, how could somebody refund



Monday, July 6, 2009

An Interesting Find...

So if you remember I was talking about Cork Board Cash...
It's basically templates for selling services and promoting websites on grocery store cork boards.
Its simple and not very expensive. So I did my research! It was a good idea because I found a post by the owner of the package on a site called Warrior Forum where he is running a discount!

Check out this link:

Easy Money - Warrior Forum

I am going to register at the site and try it out! I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

More Decluttering Tips

Boy do I need to declutter! I really like Jo who is in these videos! She is easy to listen to!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Very Good Video

I've been thinking about redecorating and I found a great video to help!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Taking ANOTHER Day Off...

We are going to the cottage again as my husband has booked a long weekend!

I have some updates SEE YOU MONDAY!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Research Lead Me To...

Above: Brandy Thomas from Corkboard Cash

Do I was searching the internet for more info on how to effectivly sell these products I now am getting the groove for... I came up with the following site:

Corkboard Cash

The idea seems simple and all... I'm going to do a bit more research and see if this is for me!

A Video That I found

This makes me think I should start planning for my financial future. I for sure need to start talking to someone like this!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

It is a holiday here in the middle of the week something I'm not used to having a day off in the middle of the week. Going to play in the splash pool with the babe!

So Happy Canada Day to all of my fellow Canadians