Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Shape MY Future

So I’m on the hunt for the next way to improve cash flow in to my household!

I’ve found a few new possibilities and love how the internet sets me free. I really feel like I’ve been able to get where I am today because of the wonderful internet! I’ve put Google to work I’ll tell you that much! I want to contribute more to my retirement and start thinking about investments that will be safe for me and my boys in the crappiest of economies!

I want to be able to vacation with my hubby and not have to worry about bills while I’m there! I can see how money affects my everyday life and how our RELATIONSHIP can be put under severe tension. I want to have more kids and I want to be able to grow on my own as a person. It is hard to feel that way when under the stress of money. I feel liberated!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

These Videos Are Very Helpful

The Money Rake system is really making a difference. I’ve already got improved traffic to my site! I have my facebook ads going and I love how affordable all of this is! Check out the Money Rake youtube and see for yourself!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Welcome To The Terrible Twos

So my baby turned 2 today! I can’t believe how fast the time has gone!

Is it time for another ;)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Next Video

I just finished watching the media buying section of the Internet Marketing Course.
This part was good for me because I have never heard lingo like this before. Having it all explained to me really helped!Brad really know what he is talking about!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Money Rake System

So I’ve purchased the online video course on internet marketing. I’ve just finished the first secition which is called Essentials. It goes through a few different tools like Google Analytics and Google Webmaster. This video also talks about layout and some basic search engine optimization. Lots of stuff to think about and I hope to put to use!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How Much Money Can You Make With Xocai?

How Much Money Can You Make With Xocai

Some More Internet Adventures

I found this site that offers an Internet Marketing Course you can take online. I’ve watched the free videos and it really looks like this Brad Gosse knows what he is talking about. He has taught some classes in his office and now has videos you can download and learn his stuff from home.
I think I’m going to use my next Xocai check to buy this. I’m sure I will learn a lot of useful stuff that I can use to get more money with my Prepaid Porn Program and my Xocai program.
I’m hoping to sign up when the price is still $197!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine’s Day

I’m so happy that this day has come around! This is the day of the year where my husband buys me flowers and makes me dinner (and sometimes breakfast in bed ;)) I got him tickets to see Taken (he has been going on and on about it) so tonight is Date Night and the little monster is going to my Mom’s!

Hope you all have someone to love today!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm On a Roll

I’ve almost blown through my first case of cards!

My husband is so proud of me he is taking me out to dinner at our favorite restaurant!

I’m so happy that I’ve finally started making a living of my own I will be able to support my old shopping habit again plus put money away for my little monster’s college future!!

I’ve got the confidence now that I can do anything on my own! I’m going to do some hardcore research tonight and find a second work from home program that I can do to help me and the love of my life get closer to retirement and a family trip to Florida...maybe Disneyland!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Successfull Party!

The chocolate party was a success! I’ve found my 1st team so I’m halfway there! I think I can get really good at this!! Both the chocolate and the prepaid porn cards are working out for me!
I REALLY would encourage anyone to give these a try!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

First Chocolate Party and You are Invited!

So this Saturday I’m having all the girls from Church and my sisters and cousins ect. over to my VERY first Chocolate party!
You are all invited!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sold My First Box

Big deal I sold it to my mother in law but it is a sale!
I’m offically a Chocolate Sales Rep!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Along The Way In My Research...

I came across this site... its got a free offer I’m totally going to sign up for it!

Looks like something I could really use! Especially if I can save up for that trip to Florida my husband has been talking about! I am not in bikini shape anymore!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I just recieved all my chocolate! Hopefully I don’t eat too much!

Monday, February 2, 2009

First Sale!

I got my first store today!

I’m so excited I have the confidence to do anything now! As soon as I get my investment back I’ll be happy! I feel so good about myself and my new accomplishment!!


PS Happy Groundhog Day