Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Shape MY Future

So I’m on the hunt for the next way to improve cash flow in to my household!

I’ve found a few new possibilities and love how the internet sets me free. I really feel like I’ve been able to get where I am today because of the wonderful internet! I’ve put Google to work I’ll tell you that much! I want to contribute more to my retirement and start thinking about investments that will be safe for me and my boys in the crappiest of economies!

I want to be able to vacation with my hubby and not have to worry about bills while I’m there! I can see how money affects my everyday life and how our RELATIONSHIP can be put under severe tension. I want to have more kids and I want to be able to grow on my own as a person. It is hard to feel that way when under the stress of money. I feel liberated!

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